so i think I'll give this a shot
i'm here. finally. who would've thunk it? blogopia.
i'll have witty things to blog every time i'm near typing distance of a browser. i'll tell funny stories and make insightful observations about everyday things but from a completely wacky perspective which will make people go - 'oh wow, this guy is wacky. truly.'.
yes, this blog is going to rock. so cool.
people will talk about this blog over coffee. and like in 'pattern recognition' by william gibson i'll spawn a geek following by posting traces of a thought, glimmers of an idea. see what i did there? i let it drop that i've read the book. i'll do things like that to make this a cool blog. somewhere later i'll allude to my erudite movie watching habits.
see, i did it again and you didn't even notice. i was born to do this.
i must admit that i'm feeling a bit of performance anxiety. what if i can't be witty on demand? i know, i can always inhale a helium balloon. i'm a party animal. roar, roaar.
i need caffeine.
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